Durex India Coupons, Deals & Offers - January 2025
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17/04/25How it works
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After purchase, the transaction gets tracked within 48 hours and the cashback is credited to your account.
On reaching a minimum threshold of Rs. 50 or more as ‘Confirmed’ Cashback you can withdraw the cashback.
Durex India Coupon Codes, Referral Codes & Best Discount Codes
- The minimum amount to withdraw is Rs. 50.
- We have made sure that you have the possibility of withdrawing without any commissions and hidden fees.
- After purchase, the transaction gets tracked within 48 hours and the cashback is credited to your account.
- On reaching a minimum threshold of Rs. 100 or more as ‘Confirmed Cashback’ you can withdraw the cashback.
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About Durex
Durex is a brand of condoms and sexual wellness products, owned by Reckitt Benckiser, that is available in India. Durex has been available in India for several years and offers a wide range of products including condoms, lubricants, and massagers. The brand is marketed as a way to improve sexual health and pleasure and is widely available in stores and online. Durex products are known for their high quality and reliability and are popular among Indian consumers. The brand also offers various types of condoms textured, flavored, and extra lubricated to cater to the different needs of its customers. Additionally, Durex also provides a range of personal lubricants, massagers, and other sexual wellness products to enhance the intimate experience.
What is Durex? Durex is a brand of condoms and sexual wellness products, owned by Reckitt Benckiser, that is available in India.
What kind of products does Durex offer? Durex offers a wide range of products including condoms, lubricants, and massagers.
Are Durex products reliable? Durex products are known for their high quality and reliability and are popular among Indian consumers.
How can I purchase Durex products? Durex products are widely available in stores and online and can be purchased through the Durex website or other online retailers.
Are there any discounts or promotions available for Durex products? Yes, there are discounts and promotions available for Durex products through CouponEdge.